Wednesday, September 19, 2012


The running shoe industry (manufacturers and resellers) advises us- new to barefoot running- to run shoe-less or in minimalistic shoes only a couple of minutes a day. In a video I saw the other day from a major Swedish sports equipment reseller it was said that barefoot training was only to consider an addition to "regular" training/running in cushioning shoes. You may wonder (I do) how come? Well prices on minimalistic shoes is about half of what cushioning shoes costs so you don't have to be a math genius to figure out that the industry would lose a huge amount of money if everybody would start running in minimalistic shoes- not to say barefoot.
Thus the industry recommends that we use the minimalistic shoes in addition to our "traditional" shoes. Isn't that fabulous! So, we are supposed to keep running in cushioning shoes so that we get injured- and then we should use minimalistic shoes so we can heal... I have to applaud the shoe industry for coming up with such a cunning plan.

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